Is Dairy Healthy?
Low-fat dairy such as 2% milk and non-fat yogurt is another of the agribusiness food scams. When you go into a grocery store it’s almost impossible to find full-fat yogurt—but that is what you should be eating if you want to maintain your weight. Low fat dairy, including milk, is a carb-laden junk food. We have been brain-washed by the government and nutrition experts, who have been bought-off by the food industry, in the name of profits. The giant dairy corporations have doubled their profits by convincing us we need low-fat dairy. The natural fats in dairy are a wonder nutrient that we want more of, not less. Components of dairy fat such as CLA have been shown to improve insulin resistance which in turn can dramatically help with weight loss. CLA has many other benefits as well such as improving resistance to infectious diseases and reducing cancer. The fat in dairy is a great source for the fat-soluble vitamins that are sorely missing from processed foods. This includes vitamin A and vitamin K2.
I probably don’t have to tell you about the problem with the blueberry muffin. Flour gives us the same problems as the bagel. A ton of sugar or other sweeteners like high-fructose corn syrup, which is pure concentrated carbohydrates, will create a large insulin spike just like the orange juice you chased it down with. Add in some rancid, genetically modified, highly processed canola or cotton seed oil and you have the perfect poison to destroy your health and send you down the road to obesity.
How about the fruit? Well–some fresh fruit is okay as long as you have a quality protein