Research shows that everybody is creative and multi-skilled. We all have the ability to create and be creative. If you think you're not, it's because you've never been given the opportunity to fully explore or discover what you're capable of.In school, those who can write a good story or draw beautiful pictures are considered the special ones who are creative. Some people are indeed naturally artistic and have an easier time expressing that. Others (and that may be you) just need to develop the skills necessary to properly vent that creativity. Yet, research shows that all people are creativeIn fact, creativity is one of the most important characteristics of being human. It is one of the main traits that make us successful as individuals and as a species.The world is changing so rapidly now that just learning a specific skill set and following it exactly won't get us very far. What prepares students for life beyond the classroom is learning how to be more creative, which includes flexibility in perception and execution of tasks.Schools have started acknowledging the importance of creativity in classrooms. Courses in creativity are now provided by academia because it is now common knowledge that only creativity can help students succeed in the 21st century