The instruction of my father makes me know many things in this world. For example, he makes me know how to live and adjust myself to the surroundings, how to keep the best strategy in each situation, how to say suitable words with others. อันนี้น่าจะต้องเริ่มประโยคใหม่ค่ะ Moreover, he instructs about the good manner woman should have. At present, I see that my father behaves right in his military society. He is so powerful and reverent in my perspective. Besides, he is a great leader who I should imitate. He leads me to be a good person, especially for the honesty matters, (โดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่งเรื่องของความซื่อสัตย์). He said, “Honesty is a basic qualification of a good person.” (ไม่แน่ใจว่าน้องตั้งใจจะหมายความว่าความซื่อสัตย์เป็นสมบัติของดีรึเปล่าจ้ะ อย่างนี้น่าจะโอนะ) Now I am confident that I am honest person to other people.