5. Can there be more than five?
Due to the potential of blocking the wind, the site can only accommodate the current five
wind turbines.
6. Why are there lights?
The Federal Aviation Administration requires red navigation lights on top of each wind turbine as
a warning for aircraft in the area.
7. Can you light them up?
Lights attract insects and insects attract birds, therefore the wind turbines cannot be lit.
8. How much energy do they generate?
Once the wind is blowing more than 12 miles per hour, each wind turbine can produce 1.5
megawatts of electricity. At reduced wind speeds, electricity production decreases. When
wind speed exceeds 45 miles per hour the turbines shut down to protect the machinery
inside. It is estimated that the five wind turbines will produce enough power during the year
to provide energy for 2,500 homes.
9. Who owns the wind farm?
The wind farm is owned by Jersey-Atlantic Wind, LLC.
10. Do they make noise?
The wind turbines are practically silent; however, in moist air a slight “whoosh” can be heard.
11. Can someone visit?
The wind farm is an industrial facility and therefore not open to the public. The ACUA opens
the site to the public during its Earth Day Celebration each year. Educational tours can be
arranged for groups as large as 25 persons through the ACUA’s Education Outreach Program