Square faces usually belong to men, but women can also have them. Men with this kind of face are good at making decisions and keeping to them. They are generous and honest. They put their friends first in everything. Both men and women with square faces are lucky and live a long life.
A wide forehead, high cheekbones, and a pointed chin make a triangular face. People with triangular faces are lively and intelligent and often stand out from others; however, they worry too much, and their emotions are frag- ile, so they can get depressed easily. Because of this, they do better in jobs where they work with people.
The Chinese believe that a person with a wide jaw and narrow forehead is like the earth and changes little. People with this kind of face love success and will almost always get what they want, especially money and all that it brings. A man with this kind of face will not be close to his children, but his children will respect his strength. A woman with this kind of face was Jacqueline Kennedy, who had a strong character even in difficult times.
People with wide foreheads and square chins are intelligent and work hard to get what they want. They can be calm and quiet, or they can be the opposite, too, because they like to get attention. Famous movie people like Paul Newman and Jane Fonda have this kind of face; so did Picasso, the painter. They usually have a long life and save their energy for important times in life.