Inventory Opens the inventory of your target.
Rob Opens a submenu where you can choose what equipped piece of armor you wish to steal on the target.
Rape Will make you sexually assault your target. More options will appear for a tied up NPC.
Rape with player Available if you use Modifier key and Action key to give an order to your registered follower to take actions on a knocked down/sleeping/trauma/exhausted/tied up NPC.
Tie up Use to tie up your target during a configurable time in MCM.
Tie options Opens a submenu where you can choose to change the pose, Gag/Ungag, change the device used, tighten the links or permanently tie your target.
Untie Will free the tied up target.
Untie & rape Untie and abuse the tied up target.
Put in a sack Put the victim in a burlap sack, press Action key to release the victim wherever you want. The victim keep the state they were in. (e.g A tied up NPC stay tied.)
Feed Available for vampires, give you the ability to drink on a knocked down/trauma/exhausted target, the target enters in an exhausted state afterwards.
Revive Used to remove any Defeat’s state on an affected NPC or to get a bleeding out NPC on their feet.