as a nation of high power distance. Power distance is a term used to help us understand the extent of power inequality among members of an organization. This high power distance influences the behavior of directors, managers, administrators, civil servants and, in some cases, families. This is often seen within the unusually high level of personal esteem or social deference (referred to as greng-jai in Thai) given to members near the top of the hierarchy or those who have senior status. It’s easy to see the differences in the height of the ‘wai” (the Thai greeting) which represents the extent of this power distance. People of high status receive a high ‘wai’ meaning finger tips to the nose or even higher. People of lower or equal status often receive a lower ‘wai”, perhaps finger tips in front of the chest. It’s not in greetings alone, Thai language has specific honorifics which indicate social standing for each sex, age, position, title or occupation. This is done to save the face of lower status individuals as one need not ask personal questions of a possibly higher status individual.