Your Loxone Smart Home Alarm can make use of all available sensors throughout the home, including presence detectors and door/window contacts to detect intruders. If an intruder attempts to break in, the Loxone Smart Home will begin a series of escalating alarms.
First, the system will begin with a silent alarm which, via Loxone Caller Service, calls your phone to inform you of a break-in. This gives you a chance to reset the alarm if it turns out to be a false alarm.
Following this is an audible alarm: a siren sound can be blasted through the home sound system into the room the intruder is in. If they try to flee to the next room, the noise follows them from room to room as they move through the house.
After this is a visual alarm: the lights begin to flash throughout the house. This is especially effective at night as it draws attention to the house.