Hi Janay () 16th Sept.
Poseidon E.
ศ. 16/9/2016 4:21
ณฐพร อดทน (janey_natha@hotmail.com);
Hi Janey,
Greeting of Peace!!
hope everything's well to you up there,
I have received all your messages this morning before you cut communication.
hope you'll get this message too....since I don't have any update or information from you today...I presume that you are having a rest or busy might as will or went outside to do some activity...or go with friends also.....
Its oki krap...just take care to whatever your activity is..& whoever the people you with......just don't say anything about this activity janey......might it will create a bad result or misunderstanding again...
anyway, just comeby in here to let you know that, I have drop you a message in line and I am still waiting for a reply or answer....
I just want to know what really the status now since you cut out all communication today....I want to know what really the meaning of this action of yours today.......
just like that....I don't know what to say more ....
so, might I cannot talk to you anymore then, coz of this....
for your information, even you cut me in the apps...
I am always here & there...just drop me a message if you will remember me & if you wish to talk to me...
but for now, since you cut....my phone & my apps got nothing also...it is very silent then no body talks to me ... , so I keep phone always in my room...
I don't want to say more...maybe if I say & make message long maybe misunderstood & will become a problem again .
so, I wish you all the best today ahead...just do your thing in safe & secured manner....keep safe to all people you go with & be happy with it.....take care always wherever you go as will....keep safe when driving too....
I gonna miss on this silent....
hope we can still talk sometime next time.