Dear Mr. Weerawat
Good Morning
Current condition :
- The 140 pcs part still kept in our warehouse
- We can’t use it in our production due to it can’t recorded in our systems (we only use the part that recorded in our systems)
- The part can’t recorded in our systems due to it is different between order and actual received.
- Based on this situation and ADM’s regulation we can’t keep this part for any longer due to internal audit and limited space in our warehouse.
- So you can request us to send back the part to you with all cost must be bear by your side
Basically 1.9 is not the rate for scrapped operation cost.
PR Rate = 1.9 consist of :
Rate 1 to compensate the minus part that we already paid
Rate 0.9 to compensate the loss of importation cost that ADM already paid to import part from Thailand to Indonesia.
(E.g : Freight, Handling fee, trucking fee, duty, bank charges, document fee, etc)
So the settlement of this SMQR problem must be :
1. We will still claim this problem with rate 1.9
2. The wrong part for 140pcs will send to you (as per request before) if you don’t request, it will be scrapped by us.
Please understand the situation, and accept the SMQR claim that we will already sent on previous email.
If you have any inquires please do not hesitate to contact us again.
Thank you for your attention and cooperation.