Whether people or animals, it is the same for both the expense to the owner of the animal, take care of it well. There was a time to take care of it. When it is sick, they want to preserve the values that expensive hospital treatment team.The results (in English): 1Whether people or animals, it is the same for both the expense to the owner of the animal, take care of it well. There was a time to take care of it. When it is sick, they want to preserve the values that expensive hospital treatment team.The results (in English):Whether people or animals could have cost as well. Pet owners need to take care of it very well when it is time to care for sick animals, which had to go to hospital for treatment expensive than the other treatments. The results (in English) 3:Whether human or animal, it cost the same. The animals need the owners take good care of it. Have time to take care of it when it is sick must go to the hospital treatment more animals, which heal people.
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