“We can head onto the street and ask some people?” Lawless suggested, already heading out. Licht followed, scowling at Greed’s back. Sighing, Mahiru followed the two, hoping they wouldn’t get in another fight. Though, he doubted that he would be able to do much. The brunette still had the image of the alternate Sloth pair branded onto the inside his eyelids. He heard Kuro follow behind him, and could have sworn that the Servamp had muttered a ’can’t deal’. When they reached the outside, they found that…
It was night and no one was outside to ask. A tumbleweed of paper rolled past them and crickets chirped in their silence.
“Normally in movies like this, a newspaper would fly into one of the characters faces…” Kuro commented; bored, seeming to have practically recovered from the previous sight. Yet, Mahiru’s stomach seemed to be filled with butterflies still. On that note, a newspaper flew forward and hit Hyde in the face.
“Weird.” Mahiru, Licht and Kuro muttered simultaneously.
“Quit commenting on the weirdness of the situation and get this off me!” Hyde shouted, his voice muffled by the paper that was still being blown into his face. Licht briskly grabbed the paper off Lawless’ face, whilst also managing to push him out of the group. The denpa character gasped in surprise,
“The date on the paper is a year from now.” Everyone froze. A silence fell again. Worry replaced the strange butterfly feeling in Mahiru’s stomach, and even the normally expressionless people looked anxious. And their silence was broken again. But it wasn’t caused by anyone in the group.
“Lich-tan, you’re so funny! You really are the best angel!” Alternate Hyde cackled, walking along with Licht.
What was strange was…
Their fingers were laced together.
“Of course, shit rat. Because I am the one and only angel!” Alternate Licht announced, posing, though his hand stayed locked with Alternate Hyde’s.