Haifa University has condoned, indeed invited, police suppression of legitimate political expression on the part of Palestinian student activists on campus.
In the beginning I started at the same university as a student of Economics and progressed to hold a Ph.D. today.
I was forced to retire 4 years ago after suffering a mild Stroke and now live alone. I have a grown son who is married with a 2yo daughter and he and his wife live in Sydney, while I am in Melbourne.
I am quite a wealthy man and easily support a wife for her entire lifetime and then there will be some leftover. I can offer a lady a very good life. You'll never have need to work again or if you may too, it's fine with me.
If you are interested write to: john.m.mciver@gmail.com (cut & paste).
Until I hear from you again,
John ๑๒ พฤษภาคม ๒๕๕๗ ๒๓:๔๗ น. รายงานการใช้งานในทางที่ผิด