Public debt is debt which is due to government borrowing on government revenue is not sufficient to meet the expenditure can be divided into various categories according to the classification of such share as the source of the loan divided by the duration of the loan. by the nature of the debt by way of debt, etc. " in the presentation of TD RIA topics. "Thailand economic forecast year Trends in 2556 and public debt 2556-2560 "by Dr. Somchai Jitsuchon director of research development thoroughly. Pointing out that the public debt is necessary for the country to have a low tax base and to economic and social development. With the investment in infrastructure And investing in social protection. Welfare system , but the government must take into account the huge public debt management is to get there. 'Fiscal space' (fiscal space) large enough to accommodate the need in the future if there is a deficit, when necessary, by Dr. Somchai Jitsuchon proposed guidelines for public debt management. The increased state revenues (Fairly and reduce inequalities), such as the tax system to a progressive rate. (progressive) and on the equality duty. And increasing the tax base of property, especially from the new spending plan carefully. - The cost to build the social and economic. To truly reduce the disparity in public debt management transparency - a planned medium to long term (five years minimum) of fiscal burden appropriately, the estimated public debt outlook presentation projected trend of public debt. By computing trends such debt. Under several assumptions For example, the rate of increase of expenditure. In addition, the normal rate of investment has included the impact on public debt caused by the special project revenue and expenses during the years 2556 - 2560 are as follows from the above forecasts public debt. It can be seen that in the medium term. (2556-2560 BC), the public debt increased in all cases, the Dr. Somchai that, partly because of the economic situation 'normal' structural fiscal deficit by Thailand basis. Since government revenues can only be used for capital expenditures only as a special project of making public debt increased significantly, what the government should be careful, as is the case in the economy grew by less than 6% per year (. in case 1 and 2) debt to national income is at a level in excess of 60%, if uncontrolled spending and budget cuts, special occasions and risk management Dr. Somchai see that with the relatively high public debt in the medium term. While the uncertainty of the economic expansion in the future. The management of risks and opportunities, it is much needed, the researchers suggested in the administration opportunities. The government should invest in infrastructure 2 trillion baht, which will contribute to economic growth above trend in the latter stages. (Which may be as high as 6%), the investment would help prevent public debt increased more than likely. 60% , however, The cost of this should cause the most effective. A little leak The action quickly, the government should promote other measures such as developing ones (education workers) technology development. The development of the economy (Government, private sector, political) to provide a high level of sustainable growth. Do not just rely on injecting capital only. And to make it out of the trap, middle-income countries were truly in the field of risk management. Researchers have noticed about the risk factors and recommendations for risk management. The short-term risks: if economic growth slows to less than 4-5 (with the expansion of the world economy slows down) will contribute to Thailand's public debt sharply higher. This part of Thailand's tax system is highly sensitive to economic conditions. Especially during troubled economic times, real interest rates may rise in the next two years, according to US and European economic recovery. This may result in the debt and debt rose sharply , long-term risks are also not exactly. Thailand to escape the trap of middle-income countries or the means of production and human resources and labor. The infrastructure of Thailand Not conducive to break out of the trap, the government has no plans to adjust the tax system as it could be. The state also can not increase tax revenues from certain taxes, such as property tax and building tax, VAT, etc. The research suggests that the risk in the short term should be cut down unnecessary spending. For example, if the reduction of losses of rice down to less than a year to 70,000 million baht to improve the fiscal equivalent to about 5 per cent of national income in the period of five years to help build. Connect to