During The Pitch, students form teams and spend the majority of the meeting
discussing project ideas. During this time, they may sketch paper prototypes, explore
pertinent App Inventor features, and consult with instructors. The instructor's role can
vary, but it includes providing themes, encouraging sketching and prototyping, and
suggesting computer science ideas and App Inventor features. Each team is given a few
minutes at the end of class to present their pitch, during which time the other teams can
provide feedback as well.
During The Pitch, students form teams and spend the majority of the meetingdiscussing project ideas. During this time, they may sketch paper prototypes, explorepertinent App Inventor features, and consult with instructors. The instructor's role canvary, but it includes providing themes, encouraging sketching and prototyping, andsuggesting computer science ideas and App Inventor features. Each team is given a fewminutes at the end of class to present their pitch, during which time the other teams canprovide feedback as well.
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