As long as, the achievement of customer satisfaction and the improvement of his perceived
image are companies’ objectives which means that the companies are involved in current
competitive conditions and shouldn’t deviate from it.These evolving conditions require
changes in views toward the customer and to deal with him as a scarce resource which lead to
a lot of caution and accuracy in dealing with the customer. Therefore, companies should change
many concepts for instance, instead of focusing on maintaining customer, they should
concentrate on how they can improve his perceived image on services offered by companies.
Research QuestionWith the compulsorily involvement of public transport companies to the
competitive struggle against private transport companies. Collective Urban transport company
(ETUM)1 in M’silla city (Algeria) has faced the reality that customers shifted to other private
companies. In order to deal with the prevailing situation, suggestions have been made,
including; to reconsider the elements of marketing mix as a way to improve customer perceived
image of ETUM Company, which is the underlying research question of this dissertation.