the derivation in both rectangular and polar coordinates of the formula for the radius of curvature of a plane curve, the study of the catenary curve with extensions to strings of variable density and strings under the action of a central force, the study of a number of other higher plane curves, the discovery of the 80-called isochrones-or curve along which a body will fall with uniform vertical velocity (it turned out to be a semicubical parabola with a vertical cusptangent), the determination of the form taken by an elastic rod fixed at one end and carrying a weight at the other, the form assumed by a flexible rectangular sheet having two opposite edges held horizontally fixed at the same height and laoded with a heavy liquid, and the shape of a rectangular sail filled with wind. He also proposed and discussed the problem of isoperimetric figures (planar close paths of given species and fixed perimeter which include a maximum area), and was thus one of the first mathematicians to work in the calculus of variations.