richard i'm going to mandalay for the same reason
pamela then you'll there alone
richard oh no you must come with me if you don't won't get the thousand pounds
pamela you'll get if if you come with me to india india's a wonderful place delhi
kathleen baden-baden
richard mandalay
henry istanbul
mary i want to stay here
kathleen you can't you're coming with us to germany
pamela we all want different things what shall we do
nutting i seem to be the only happy person in the room except mr. lindsay
lindsay i'm not very happy myself look at the time i shall have toleave you to talk about this but perhaps i can help you a little before i go richard and his wife can go first to india and then to burma they can fly from india to burma in a few hours henry and his wife can take the car and drive to germany and then go on to istanbul that's quite possible if they go in the car henry won't have to fly and his wife won't be sea sick and they have six months perhaps you will all think about this and we'll take about it to morrow
henry of course we have a good car now kathleen we can go by road
richard yes and we can easily go to india and burma
lindsay now there's still the little matter of the horses
richard there aren't many horses,are there what does father say about them