The definition of FS adopted in this research is the one proposed by FAO (1996), which
states: "Food security exists when all people at all times have physical and economic
access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their food needs and preferences for
food, in order to achieve a healthy and active life". Stages to accomplish FS are
hierarchical in nature, that is, adequate amounts of food might be produced, but may not be
accessible by the hungry due to price, distribution, income limitations or cultural factors.
Similarly, access to food might be necessary but not sufficient to ensure appropriate use, for
this requires a safe and proper food preparation, as well as quality of nutritional diets
(Barrett 2010; Pinstrup and Herforth 2008). Additionally, stability on FS has implications
in all its dimensions (FAO 2009; 1996) that brings forth changes in inventories or cyclical
events (Richardson 2010).