We have been reading about privacy and protecting privacy. With the changes to DNA, robots, and adding computer chips into our brains, what are the dangers to our privacy?
If your DNA is stored in a computer so that it can be changed, how can you control this information? Could someone create a second “you” from this DNA information?
Today, there are problems where only rich people can get health care and see doctors. Or maybe the rich people can see the best doctors and get the best medicines. If people are going to be enhanced and made immortal, is this something that only the rich should be allowed to do?
What is the right way to choose who can use this technology if it is not decided by your ability to for it or not pay for it?
What does this say about the population of the Earth, if these changes make people live much longer or possibly forever? How will this affect the Earth’s natural resources? Will people still want to have children?