Leaders have distinct visions, values, and standards, which allow them to manage their organization with a great level of comfort and confidence. It is not only obligatory for an organization to have a realistic vision, but it must be communicated effectively to all employees for purposes of achieving growth and profitability. A clear and well-defined vision gives employees confidence, by improving their perceptions of the organization. Cornelius (2004) described that vision as one that could help employees to feel better and stay well informed by keeping their eyes on bigger picture. Vividness and clarity of vision help leaders to modify the behaviors of their staff. One purpose of leadership is to influence the attitudes of employees by setting good examples demonstrated by their own actions. Most leaders are high achievers and they invariably set their targets high, and optimistically expect the best from themselves and their subordinates. In addition, leaders empower others to achieve their desired expectation levels by inculcating trust while simultaneously exuding firmness when enforcing rules and regulations.