Dear Mr. Pongsiri,
Thank you for your e-mail. At this point we cannot order 2 full 20 ft. containers (56 CBM) because we have enough stock of most of our items and we do not want to order too much.
I also have to tell you that it is impossible for us to make a deposit payment of $20.000 for this container. I understand that you have to buy your raw materials but it is not up to us to pay for that.
If it was a regular order and we had no problem with the bad bones, it would have been no problem. But in fact, we now have around $29.000 worth of bad bones in our warehouse.
We think that risk is enough. We can not afford to send you $20.000 up front and simply see what happens.
- What we can do right now is order the amounts of bones we need in one 20 ft. container filled up with half of the amount of bones you need to send us for free.
- The other 20 ft. container can be ordered in February or March next year. We will order the bones we need at that time + the other half of the amount you have to send us for free.
We will pay 100% of the amount when the goods are shipped. We can guarantee that the money will be transferred immediately after we know the goods are on their way.
Please let us know.
Best regards,
Teun de Pont