Identify gaps
Questions below to assist in identifying gaps.
▶▶ Which required eHealth components in the draft vision have no existing components to
build on (components do not exist or are inadequate)?
▶▶ What investment in eHealth components will be required to support these gaps, including
where an existing (or planned) component needs to be augmented or extended as it only
partially delivers a required eHealth component?
▶▶ What actions or activities need to occur as part of this investment?
▶▶ Does undertaking these activities depend on any other investment (e.g. legislation, funding,
policy, other components, etc.)?
▶▶ What would be the broad timeframes for making this investment?
▶▶ What would be the broad costs to deliver this investment?
▶▶ Which stakeholders should be consulted and involved in designing, implementing and
operating these investments?