In a diffracted society everyone gete the service and on equal basis without discrimination and favouritism in the same manner emplouecs get their emoluments and remuneration in proportion to their work turmout service and its market value but in a prismatic society the relationship between the public official and their clientele would be in terms of buyer-seller relationship between the public servants and their clientele the price vaies from place to place time to time and person to person the price of any commodity or service depends on the family contacts kinship individual relationship bargaining power and politics sewices are guaranteed and sold to the members of the clects and dominant communities at reduced prices and members outside the clects and minority community are charged higher prices thus the economic structures in a prismatic society behave like a subsidised canteen to the members of the privileged groups and politically influential persons having access to the canteen conversely it behaves like a tributary canteen where they charge higher prices to the menbers of less privileged politically