Need for Succession Planning
Succession Planning is the systematic and deliberate process of ensuring the availability of highly qualified people for all positions not only in the present time, but at any point in the future as well.
Succession Planning
Many Definitions-from websites/books/journals
• The process that helps ensure the stability of tenure of personnel
• Any effort designed to ensure the continued effective performance of an organization, division, department or workgroup by making provision for the development, replacement and strategic application of people over time
• A means of identifying critical positions (usually managerial) starting at the levels of project manager and supervisor and extending up the highest position of the organization and preparing people to move into those jobs, often to replace employees who are leaving
• Succession planning describes management positions to provide maximum flexibility into lateral management moves and to ensure that as individuals achieve greater seniority, their management skills will broaden and become more generalized in relation to total organizational objectives as opposed to department objectives
• A deliberate and systematic effort in an organization to ensure that key leadership continuity is key positions retain and develop intellectual and knowledge capital for the future and encourage individual enhancement
• Planning occurs when an organization adopts procedures and practices that Identify, develop and work toward long term retention of talented individuals
Why we should do succession planning
• To accelerate the development and improve the retention of talented people.
• To identify ongoing needs for replacement and design appropriate training and employee development programs;
• To increase the pool of talented employees to fill key positions;
• To add value to the organization’s strategic plan and contribute to ongoing business strategies;
• To ensure individuals receive appropriate developmental opportunities and are successful in their career goals;
• To ensure that the organisation has full access to the intellectual capital of their employees