The long-term forward looking Wawasan 2035 (Vision 2035) continued to provide the national goals for economic and social development while the 10th Five Year Development Plan (2012–17) provided the more immediate targets in development. By 2035, Brunei aims to achieve a sustainable and dynamic economy, with a well-educated and skilled people enjoying a high quality of life. The integrated approach calls for strategic development in such areas as domestic business, education, environment, infrastructure, institutions and social security. Progressive and sustainable growth has been identified as vital in achieving the goals of Vision 2035. Some strategies seem to be working while others are still lagging. For instance, educational, infrastructural and institutional development have been given more emphasis, while economic development, as a result of structural inadequacies and external dependencies has not contributed to a comfortable growth rate. In a titah (speech), Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah, Head of State and Government, announced the establishment of the Council for Vision 2035 (Majlis Wawasan 2035) to assess and ensure the targets of the Vision were realized.