Few will argue that bone strength is one of the most important components of a healthy body. Being the structure of the human body, bones comprise the base of a functional, lean and balanced body structure. It is unsurprising, therefore, that calcium supplements form a major part of most fitness drinks, shakes and bars. In this article we look at some of the benefits of calcium hydorxyapatite as a calcium supplement.
Benefits of Calcium Hydorxyapatite
Some of the major benefits of supplementing with calcium, apart from bone strength, is increased fat loss, optimal metabolism and reduced infections. In this section we examine in detail what some of the benefits of calcium hydorxyapatite supplements are.
1. Perfect Proportions: One of the golden rules of supplements is that it should be administered in optimal doses that do not affect the body in a negative way. Since supplements are not a part of the natural system of the body, only those medications are recommended that mimic the proportions naturally found in your system. Calcium hydroxyapatite has the perfect balance of calcium to phosphorus. This aids in bone growth and minimizes the adverse effects that supplements might pose.