Parental Monitoring Scale (PCS). This six item, Lik-ert style scale with 5 response options (from 1 = neverto 5 = always), measured youth perception of parent con-trol and monitoring behavior. Reliability information of PCSreported a Cronbach’s Alfa = .805 and the construct valid-ity through Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), extractionmethod of Principal Components, revealed a mono-factorialscale structure, explaining the 50.7% of the variance withsaturation indices above .648. Confirmatory Factor Analy-sis (CFA), calculated trough Structural Equation Modelingwith SPSS-AMOS, confirmed that the model was capable toestimate successfully all its parameters. The PCS model fit-ted quite well with the following indexes: CMIN/df = 5.443,p = .000, CFI = .987, and RMSEA = .066.