Closed questions were used to save respondent’s time in completing the
questionnaires and achieving uniformity among respondents’ answers and a five
point Likert scale was used to avoid any misunderstanding regarding the meaning of
such concepts. Therefore, 470 questionnaires were self-administered distributed to
these four groups (160 to the FM, 220 to the external auditors (110 SRA and 110 STA)
and 90 to AC). In all, 235 usable questionnaires out of 470 distributed questionnaires
had been hand collected and analyzed.
The distribution and collection process was conducted in Libya over a period of five
months from end of February to the end of June 2009. The process of the questionnaires
was achieved as follows.
First visit distributing: the questionnaires with the attached covering letters were
personally delivered directly to the selected subjects from the four targeted groups or
to the managers of administrative affairs departments as coordinators to distribute the
Second visit collecting: several follow-up visits were made to collect the completed
questionnaires from participants or from coordinators and thank them and to remind
and to ask the non-respondents to complete the questionnaires as soon as possible.
Other visits were also made in order to collect other completed questionnaires and
to ask them to inform non-respondents that few days later would be the final days
for collecting the completed questionnaire.
The final visit: a final visit was made to collect the remaining completed
In total, 20 semi-structured interviews were conducted with key individuals of the
selected groups in order to obtain insights into significant issues included in the
questionnaire survey. Similar procedures to those used in preparing the questions in
the questionnaire were followed in preparation and designing of the interview
questions. It included the same questions as the questionnaire and some questions
about the corporate accounting regulation in Libya.
Sample selection
Bartlett et al. (2001) determined the appropriate sample size in survey research based
on three a levels and a set error rate (see Appendix 3). Potential sample companies were
identified from the companies department’s lists of the (LIFA). Following a discussion
with this department, it was found that this list includes various enterprises and
ceased companies. Consequently, the researcher had to discuss and work with the
above department to remove these companies and oil companies (which are regulated
by special law), with criteria a million LYD or more of a company’s capital was required
to reach a representative sample. This produces a total number of 143 listed and
unlisted public companies and banks as a total population for FM, which operate in the
country. This study mainly focused on companies and banks in the Tripoli region[3] as
the capital city of Libya to collect data the rationale for this, is that most of business
activities in Libya operate in this region. The criteria were a million or more of a
company’s capital was required to reach a representative sample. This criterion was set
up because of the LSM law which requires all public and private companies that have
one million LYD capital or more must register in the LSM. This law also requires
companies to prepare their financial reports according with IASs to register and to be
listed on the LSM. Therefore, 92 listed and unlisted companies and banks operating in
Tripoli region were considered as a population of this group. The target group of these
companies and banks involves FM. Therefore, the sample of FM focuses on the group