strong resistance to freezing and hot environment. Similarly, the
fabrics would not lose superhydrophobicity even were placed in a
high temperature and humidity environment (80 C and relative
humidity (RH) of 80%) for 96 h (Fig. 6c). Finally, the durability of the
coated fabrics was investigated by dipping them in strong acidic or
alkaline solutions (Fig. 6d). After attacked by strong acid (pH ¼ 2) or
alkali (pH ¼ 12) for 80 h, the coated fabrics remained its superhydrophobicity.
Above results demonstrate that the coated fabric is
tolerant to various extreme conditions.
4. Conclusion
In conclusion, we have demonstrated the fabrication of easy
repairing and self-healing superhydrophobic cotton fabrics by using
an efficient and simple solution-dipping method. The superhydrophobicity
obtained via the combination of enhanced
roughness and low surface energy derived from PFW/GF. The
temperature induced self-healing fabrics enable multiple damagingehealing
processes, which obviously prolongs the lifespan of
superhydrophobicity. Besides, the resulting fabrics could withstand
further dyeing, mechanical stretch and serious abrasion using
sandpaper. The self-healing fabrics still exhibit long-term stability
against strong acidic or alkaline, high temperature and humidity,
freezing environment and long-term UV exposure.We believe that
this method of durable, easily repairable and self-healing superhydrophobic
fabric can enrich the fabrication of innovative textiles
and extend their applications [20].
strong resistance to freezing and hot environment. Similarly, thefabrics would not lose superhydrophobicity even were placed in ahigh temperature and humidity environment (80 C and relativehumidity (RH) of 80%) for 96 h (Fig. 6c). Finally, the durability of thecoated fabrics was investigated by dipping them in strong acidic oralkaline solutions (Fig. 6d). After attacked by strong acid (pH ¼ 2) oralkali (pH ¼ 12) for 80 h, the coated fabrics remained its superhydrophobicity.Above results demonstrate that the coated fabric istolerant to various extreme conditions.4. ConclusionIn conclusion, we have demonstrated the fabrication of easyrepairing and self-healing superhydrophobic cotton fabrics by usingan efficient and simple solution-dipping method. The superhydrophobicityobtained via the combination of enhancedroughness and low surface energy derived from PFW/GF. Thetemperature induced self-healing fabrics enable multiple damagingehealingprocesses, which obviously prolongs the lifespan ofsuperhydrophobicity. Besides, the resulting fabrics could withstandfurther dyeing, mechanical stretch and serious abrasion usingsandpaper. The self-healing fabrics still exhibit long-term stabilityagainst strong acidic or alkaline, high temperature and humidity,freezing environment and long-term UV exposure.We believe thatthis method of durable, easily repairable and self-healing superhydrophobicfabric can enrich the fabrication of innovative textilesand extend their applications [20].Fig.
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