Interviewer : Good morning, please have a seat.
Interviewee : Thank you.
Interviewer : How are you doing today? Did you have any trouble finding the office?
Interviewee : I’m fine thank you, and I had no trouble at all getting here.
Interviewer : Great. Well let’s get started. Could you tell me a little about your
educational background?
Interviewee : I’m currently studying Accounting at Thonburi University.
Interviewer : Do you have any work experience?
Interviewee : I’m working now as an Accountant at the Greyhound Cafe Co.,Ltd
Interviewer : How did you like it at the Greyhound Cafe Co.,Ltd
Interviewee : Overall, I like it a lot. The people were great and my boss was supportive and understanding.
Interviewer : What are your strengths?
Interviewee : Well, I am …………………………………
Interviewer : One final question. Why did you choose this company?
Interviewee : It is near the house and have a holiday 2 days.
Interviewer : Well, thank you for your time. We’ll be making a selection in a couple of
days and will call you one way or the other.
Interviewee : Thank you very much.