In Architectures I, II, and III, almost every self-healing
component is reconfigurable and the behavior of each such
component is controlled by a set of a parameters. For
example, the major control parameters for the Intrusion
Detector are THm and THs. The major control parameter for
the Damage Container is the amount of allowed damage
leakage, denoted DL. When DL = 0, multi-phase
containment is enforced; when there is no restriction on DL,
one-phase containment is enforced. The major control
parameter for the Mediator is the transaction delay time,
denoted DT. When DT = 0, transactions are executed in full
speed; when DT is not zero, transaction executions are
slowed down. At time t, we call the set of control
parameters (and the associated values) for an intrusion
tolerance component Ci, the configuration (vector) of Ci at
time t, and the set of the configurations for all the
self-healing components, the configuration of the
self-healing system at time t. In Architecture IV, each
reconfiguration is done by adjusting the system from one
configuration to another configuration.