the flue gas (Table 4) down to the selected emission value, the conversion
model by Antonioni et al. (2014) was applied. The model
allows the calculation of acid gas conversion as a function of solid
reactant feed rate. The model was validated against bench scale
In order to determine the consumption of sorbents and the generation
of solid residues needed to reduce the HCl concentration in data (Antonioni et al., 2011) and operational data of a 2S facility
(Antonioni et al., 2014). The equations of the model and the related
parameters are reported in Table 5. Details about the derivation of
the model and its implementation are reported elsewhere
(Antonioni et al., 2014; Guglielmi et al., 2014). The results obtained
from the application of the model to the calculation of reactant
consumption and production of solid residues are discussed in
Section 3.