Survey findings
On the basis of the survey methodology, the selected 40 wards are shown in Fig. 3. Survey results shows that the average
household size in KMC area is 3.8 and about 73 per cent of households have three to five family members. However, household
size in some locations is as big as 6–10 members. The average household income per month in the study area is about
Rs. 30,000 ($500)2. On the other hand the average per capita income for the study area is around Rs. 8552 ($142.5). Since household
size in some cases is quite big, therefore we have divided the entire population into four income groups on the basis of
their per capita incomes for the purpose of this study. The income distribution of households surveyed in the select wards of
the KMC area can be found from the Table 2. As can be seen the total sample size is divided into four income groups viz.
low income, lower middle, middle and high incomes. The values chosen for determining the income distribution has been
selected logically from the sample and does not follow any particular trend. Table 2 shows that about 38 per cent of the households
belong to the lower middle income category with per capita incomes between Rs. 5000 and Rs. 10,000. This is followed by
a low income category accounting for 33 per cent with per capita income less than Rs. 5000.
Surveys conducted in the city have further shown that share of households owning bicycles is very low. Zero emissions
mode of travel like bicycles and walking have not found support in the city. This is because of very limited transportable roads