Born four years before Christ. Nazareth in Galilee, one a virgin Mary. Was already engaged to a man name Joseph. Before they came together. Have an angel Gabriel to Mary came home and that "Behold, you are pregnant and giving birth, male Be that Jesus is the son of a [two] parties that Joseph, when Mary and pregnancy. I do not think this will leak. Engagement is thought to withdraw covert However, one diplomat Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream that "Joseph, son of David. Do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife. Because anti Son who is in her is of the Holy Spirit "[3] Joseph, so follow it. Is received Mary as his wife. But did not approach her.
While Mary is pregnant in that Maha Emperor Caesar Augusta Continental รับสั่ง to have a registered household throughout the land. All, both must return to the city to register their. Joseph and Mary have to travel from Nazareth. Galilee to the city of David a city name Beth Lake Helen New. You reference in the state. Because Joseph is the son of David. When they both were there. It's time that Mary was born. "She has a son, born first born Took place and thousands of diapers in the manger Because no space for him in the hotel "[4].
Has launched a diplomatic Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and told that "Arise and take the boy fled to Egypt for mother. And wait there until we tell you Because Herod would seek child Loss to death "[5] Joseph has brought Infant and mother fled to Egypt. Because King Herod that boy who was born to be king of the nation Iiy. And aware of their high priest, and they Thammathirat Chan that Pediatrics is located at Beth Lake Helen New. Is used for people to kill all the boys around the age of two years to come. But Herod died already. One diplomat Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream that "Arise and take the boy to the mother land of Israel. Because of the threat to the life of the dead boy "[6], Joseph is brought back to the mother Pediatric Nazareth.
Story in the Christian New Testament Book Department. Recorded about the life of Jesus in the period from 12 years to the ceremony at the Baptism in the Jordan River water is not saved much. Christians call this time that Lives secret life of Jesus. But the story of Jesus from the Baptism and death of Christ. Resurrection life back once again be recorded in detail.
When Jesus was 30 years old, who gave the ceremony Baptism in water from the St. John. Curtis บัพ To the River Jordan "But the ceremony His Baptism in water and then suddenly went up in the water. And were opened to the sky. And He saw the Spirit of God Sophea dove He dwells on down "[7] Then Jesus came to the wilderness. For a period of forty days and forty nights without anything to eat. But the devil to his adventure by procuring various To hope that Jesus gunwale into devil worship. But Jesus can interact with the Book of Satan from the Christian Bible Old Testament Department. And that without the devil tempted him to it by His [8].
He started out royal duties by teaching all people to repent from sin. Then walk the way of God truly Pretended not respect God, but the mouth. "The people gave us, but this mouth His mind away from us "[9] He taught not to do as they like them หน้าซื่อใจคด" Therefore all things that he taught you. Be phone trace Except for his conduct do not follow it. But because he was a preacher But they find themselves not to follow "[10] He also said the wrong word and his teachings in many royal Works. Which was recorded in the Christian New Testament Book Department. In particular, the book first four books, including Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
In his royal works of Jesus that He called people to become disciples. To teach and help his other 12 people, which was later called apostles were Simon (with another name that Peter), a Drew (brother of Simon), James son of Zephaniah twist Well, John (brother of James), Philip, bar Anthony Lo Mew, Thomas, Matthew, James son of Alfred ASUS, Lake Map เบ Us (with another name. one of the Endocrine ด à ASUS), Simon nationalist party. And Judas Iscar Rio li. (People Stop Jesus) [11].
The effect of the announcement that Jesus, teach, and to treat many diseases. Result in many people to follow him. "His reputation is known throughout Syria He has brought people suffer from various Pathetic people who suffer epileptic possessed people and paralytic to Him. He lost his treat him. Categories and people come from Galilee. And regional TOT Buri and Jerusalem. And address regional reference. Jordan River and East River Ferry to follow Him "[12]" Then Jesus came to the boat then. He is great to see people Moo. He has pity on him. He is the person treat his patients lost "[13], and the public to watch him take greatly cripple limbs disabled people dumb and blind people, many people hurt others. His almost the end of Jesus. He then treat him disappear "[14] In contrast to the doctrine of God that Pharisees and they Thammathirat Chan directly "He enjoyed the rich culture and honor of the synagogue. And like the bow of the middle market. And like him called. 'You teachers' "[15]" Woe to you, you taught blind people navigate the' who claimed the temple to swear. Oath is not binding. But who will swear by claiming gold in the temple. Who will be made by oath 'O foolish people blind. Which is more important than things. Gold or the temple that made the gold sacred "[16]" Woe unto thee. They Thammathirat Chan and Pharisees. หน้าซื่อใจคด people. Because you are like a tunnel buried with lime coating. Outside look beautiful. But inside full of dead bones. Goodies and sewage. Ye it is so very. Outside and then it seems righteous. But within full of spurious and wrong "[17] They Thammathirat Chan and Pharisees, so think of way to kill him free. "Department Pharisees that the consultant is away. To do so would have killed him "[18].
Jesus, however, note that He will suffer from their high priest, and they Thammathirat Chan. And must be executed. But on the third day He will be plated up to a new He predicted that the incident prior to the three times [19] Then one of the twelve. A Judas Iscar Rio li. Unto the high priest and then to agree to wait for box to point to catch him. Thirty dollars in exchange for money. That's something to think that Judas betrayed Him. He knows as well [20].
At the beginning of Festival eat bread without infection. His disciples to go to one house in the capital in Salem Christ. To co-ate Passover together. He ate food that night consisting of bread and wine. This is the last meal he ate before the death. After the food and ate. Judas, one of the twelve disciples that people from home. They left no disciples that Judas go anywhere. But Jesus know that Judas will go to priests and Pharisees. To bring the military to capture him.
After Judas away from home. He said the teachings to their disciples, many items. Before he came out of the house took over the Huai Kid Robert Gates to the garden line of it. As is the night he came away from their fans about peck away and then fall pray to the Lord. When the disciples returned to find that they sleep together all different. He wake them to wake up and pray. He prayed and then back again. When he returned to the disciples sleeping again. He went back to pray again for the third time. Returning to this Jesus disciples to wake them to wake up and suddenly Judas military officials took their priests and Pharisees with one weapon. Judas came to meet Jesus and bowed to kiss him. These people came and arrested him. Peter is a sword stroke was the tooth right ear of the key Mul. A slave of the high priest. Jesus said. "Be sheathe your sword out waste That those who hold the sword shall perish, because the sword. You think we ask our Father or not. In one moment he is the angel sent to us over twelve dump If so, the Bible. This must be a memory. What will be done "[21] and has gathered all the disciples fled.
Jesus was brought to the homes of drug Fast Car. High Priest of the time. They both Thammathirat Chan and various high priest trying to incriminate him for false testimony. But even a false testimony to the many people I can not find the evidence. Finally, the high priest asked the Christ of God. When he accepted that he is Jesus Christ. High priest that can incite men. Jesus said God for defamation lift themselves up to Christ. Men need to impose Jesus to death.
When Judas saw that they sinned. The attachment of the innocent Jesus to death. Judas is the realization that the money be returned back to their high priest. But they are not interested. Judas has already left money away ties die
Paul dawn they took for Jesus to Pilate. The ruler at that time. They sued Jesus with various allegations. But after Pilate asked Him. Not found any fault is thought to release him. But he confirmed that This person incite citizens to chaos [22] When Pilate that He is a native of Galilee. This is the local king Herod. Pilate then sent Jesus to Herod to find a replacement judge. Department Herod greatly delighted to meet Jesus because it was heard for a long time reputation. Hope that Jesus will show to watch some supernatural or miraculous. But when Jesus did not make any Herod and the soldiers are mocked and despised, but sent him back to Pilate again. Pilate therefore command high priest. Aristocracy and the people at the same meeting. And said to him. "You can take all these people come to us. Lawsuit that he was instigating the people, behold, we ask you all before. And that people are not guilty of any of you, sue him. And Herod did not see that he is wrong with Because Herod sent him back to us again and behold, people are not doing anything wrong, which should be punished to death. Therefore, when we lash him. We will release the waste "[23].
There is a range of Passover. The ruler is a tradition to release one prisoner to the people as you like. Prison time is o
Born four years before Christ. Nazareth in Galilee, one a virgin Mary. Was already engaged to a man name Joseph. Before they came together. Have an angel Gabriel to Mary came home and that "Behold, you are pregnant and giving birth, male Be that Jesus is the son of a [two] parties that Joseph, when Mary and pregnancy. I do not think this will leak. Engagement is thought to withdraw covert However, one diplomat Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream that "Joseph, son of David. Do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife. Because anti Son who is in her is of the Holy Spirit "[3] Joseph, so follow it. Is received Mary as his wife. But did not approach her.
While Mary is pregnant in that Maha Emperor Caesar Augusta Continental รับสั่ง to have a registered household throughout the land. All, both must return to the city to register their. Joseph and Mary have to travel from Nazareth. Galilee to the city of David a city name Beth Lake Helen New. You reference in the state. Because Joseph is the son of David. When they both were there. It's time that Mary was born. "She has a son, born first born Took place and thousands of diapers in the manger Because no space for him in the hotel "[4].
Has launched a diplomatic Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and told that "Arise and take the boy fled to Egypt for mother. And wait there until we tell you Because Herod would seek child Loss to death "[5] Joseph has brought Infant and mother fled to Egypt. Because King Herod that boy who was born to be king of the nation Iiy. And aware of their high priest, and they Thammathirat Chan that Pediatrics is located at Beth Lake Helen New. Is used for people to kill all the boys around the age of two years to come. But Herod died already. One diplomat Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream that "Arise and take the boy to the mother land of Israel. Because of the threat to the life of the dead boy "[6], Joseph is brought back to the mother Pediatric Nazareth.
Story in the Christian New Testament Book Department. Recorded about the life of Jesus in the period from 12 years to the ceremony at the Baptism in the Jordan River water is not saved much. Christians call this time that Lives secret life of Jesus. But the story of Jesus from the Baptism and death of Christ. Resurrection life back once again be recorded in detail.
When Jesus was 30 years old, who gave the ceremony Baptism in water from the St. John. Curtis บัพ To the River Jordan "But the ceremony His Baptism in water and then suddenly went up in the water. And were opened to the sky. And He saw the Spirit of God Sophea dove He dwells on down "[7] Then Jesus came to the wilderness. For a period of forty days and forty nights without anything to eat. But the devil to his adventure by procuring various To hope that Jesus gunwale into devil worship. But Jesus can interact with the Book of Satan from the Christian Bible Old Testament Department. And that without the devil tempted him to it by His [8].
He started out royal duties by teaching all people to repent from sin. Then walk the way of God truly Pretended not respect God, but the mouth. "The people gave us, but this mouth His mind away from us "[9] He taught not to do as they like them หน้าซื่อใจคด" Therefore all things that he taught you. Be phone trace Except for his conduct do not follow it. But because he was a preacher But they find themselves not to follow "[10] He also said the wrong word and his teachings in many royal Works. Which was recorded in the Christian New Testament Book Department. In particular, the book first four books, including Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
In his royal works of Jesus that He called people to become disciples. To teach and help his other 12 people, which was later called apostles were Simon (with another name that Peter), a Drew (brother of Simon), James son of Zephaniah twist Well, John (brother of James), Philip, bar Anthony Lo Mew, Thomas, Matthew, James son of Alfred ASUS, Lake Map เบ Us (with another name. one of the Endocrine ด à ASUS), Simon nationalist party. And Judas Iscar Rio li. (People Stop Jesus) [11].
The effect of the announcement that Jesus, teach, and to treat many diseases. Result in many people to follow him. "His reputation is known throughout Syria He has brought people suffer from various Pathetic people who suffer epileptic possessed people and paralytic to Him. He lost his treat him. Categories and people come from Galilee. And regional TOT Buri and Jerusalem. And address regional reference. Jordan River and East River Ferry to follow Him "[12]" Then Jesus came to the boat then. He is great to see people Moo. He has pity on him. He is the person treat his patients lost "[13], and the public to watch him take greatly cripple limbs disabled people dumb and blind people, many people hurt others. His almost the end of Jesus. He then treat him disappear "[14] In contrast to the doctrine of God that Pharisees and they Thammathirat Chan directly "He enjoyed the rich culture and honor of the synagogue. And like the bow of the middle market. And like him called. 'You teachers' "[15]" Woe to you, you taught blind people navigate the' who claimed the temple to swear. Oath is not binding. But who will swear by claiming gold in the temple. Who will be made by oath 'O foolish people blind. Which is more important than things. Gold or the temple that made the gold sacred "[16]" Woe unto thee. They Thammathirat Chan and Pharisees. หน้าซื่อใจคด people. Because you are like a tunnel buried with lime coating. Outside look beautiful. But inside full of dead bones. Goodies and sewage. Ye it is so very. Outside and then it seems righteous. But within full of spurious and wrong "[17] They Thammathirat Chan and Pharisees, so think of way to kill him free. "Department Pharisees that the consultant is away. To do so would have killed him "[18].
Jesus, however, note that He will suffer from their high priest, and they Thammathirat Chan. And must be executed. But on the third day He will be plated up to a new He predicted that the incident prior to the three times [19] Then one of the twelve. A Judas Iscar Rio li. Unto the high priest and then to agree to wait for box to point to catch him. Thirty dollars in exchange for money. That's something to think that Judas betrayed Him. He knows as well [20].
At the beginning of Festival eat bread without infection. His disciples to go to one house in the capital in Salem Christ. To co-ate Passover together. He ate food that night consisting of bread and wine. This is the last meal he ate before the death. After the food and ate. Judas, one of the twelve disciples that people from home. They left no disciples that Judas go anywhere. But Jesus know that Judas will go to priests and Pharisees. To bring the military to capture him.
After Judas away from home. He said the teachings to their disciples, many items. Before he came out of the house took over the Huai Kid Robert Gates to the garden line of it. As is the night he came away from their fans about peck away and then fall pray to the Lord. When the disciples returned to find that they sleep together all different. He wake them to wake up and pray. He prayed and then back again. When he returned to the disciples sleeping again. He went back to pray again for the third time. Returning to this Jesus disciples to wake them to wake up and suddenly Judas military officials took their priests and Pharisees with one weapon. Judas came to meet Jesus and bowed to kiss him. These people came and arrested him. Peter is a sword stroke was the tooth right ear of the key Mul. A slave of the high priest. Jesus said. "Be sheathe your sword out waste That those who hold the sword shall perish, because the sword. You think we ask our Father or not. In one moment he is the angel sent to us over twelve dump If so, the Bible. This must be a memory. What will be done "[21] and has gathered all the disciples fled.
Jesus was brought to the homes of drug Fast Car. High Priest of the time. They both Thammathirat Chan and various high priest trying to incriminate him for false testimony. But even a false testimony to the many people I can not find the evidence. Finally, the high priest asked the Christ of God. When he accepted that he is Jesus Christ. High priest that can incite men. Jesus said God for defamation lift themselves up to Christ. Men need to impose Jesus to death.
When Judas saw that they sinned. The attachment of the innocent Jesus to death. Judas is the realization that the money be returned back to their high priest. But they are not interested. Judas has already left money away ties die
Paul dawn they took for Jesus to Pilate. The ruler at that time. They sued Jesus with various allegations. But after Pilate asked Him. Not found any fault is thought to release him. But he confirmed that This person incite citizens to chaos [22] When Pilate that He is a native of Galilee. This is the local king Herod. Pilate then sent Jesus to Herod to find a replacement judge. Department Herod greatly delighted to meet Jesus because it was heard for a long time reputation. Hope that Jesus will show to watch some supernatural or miraculous. But when Jesus did not make any Herod and the soldiers are mocked and despised, but sent him back to Pilate again. Pilate therefore command high priest. Aristocracy and the people at the same meeting. And said to him. "You can take all these people come to us. Lawsuit that he was instigating the people, behold, we ask you all before. And that people are not guilty of any of you, sue him. And Herod did not see that he is wrong with Because Herod sent him back to us again and behold, people are not doing anything wrong, which should be punished to death. Therefore, when we lash him. We will release the waste "[23].
There is a range of Passover. The ruler is a tradition to release one prisoner to the people as you like. Prison time is o
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

Born four years before Christ. Nazareth in Galilee, one a virgin Mary. Was already engaged to a man name Joseph. Before they came together. Have an angel Gabriel to Mary came home and that "Behold, you are pregnant and giving birth, male Be that Jesus is the son of a [two] parties that Joseph, when Mary and pregnancy. I do not think this will leak. Engagement is thought to withdraw covert However, one diplomat Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream that "Joseph, son of David. Do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife. Because anti Son who is in her is of the Holy Spirit "[3] Joseph, so follow it. Is received Mary as his wife. But did not approach her.
ในขณะที่แมรี่ตั้งครรภ์ในมหา จักรพรรดิซีซาร์ ออกัสตา คอนติเนนรับสั่งมีทะเบียนครัวเรือนทั่วทั้งแผ่นดิน ทั้งหมด ทั้งต้องกลับเมืองเพื่อลงทะเบียนของพวกเขา โจเซฟและแมรี่ต้องเดินทางจากนาซาเรธ แคว้นกาลิลีถึงเมืองของดาวิดเป็นชื่อเมืองเบธทะเลสาบเฮเลนใหม่ คุณอ้างอิงในรัฐ เพราะโยเซฟเป็นบุตรชายของเดวิด เมื่อเขาทั้งสองมี It's time that Mary was born. " She has a son, born first born Took place and thousands of diapers in the manger Because no space for him in the hotel "[4].
Has launched a diplomatic Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and told that "Arise and take the boy fled to Egypt for mother.แล้วก็รอจนกว่าเราจะบอกคุณ เพราะว่าเฮโรดจะแสวงหาการสูญเสียเด็กตาย " [ 5 ] โจเซฟได้นำทารกและแม่หนีไปอียิปต์ เพราะกษัตริย์เฮโรดว่า เด็กที่เกิดมาเพื่อจะเป็นกษัตริย์ของประเทศ iiy . และตระหนักถึงพระสูงของพวกเขาและพวกเขาธรรมา ชาน กุมารเวชศาสตร์ ตั้งอยู่ที่ทะเลสาบเฮเลนเบธใหม่ ใช้สําหรับคนฆ่าเด็กผู้ชายอายุประมาณสองปีมาแล้วฝ่ายเฮโรดสิ้นพระชนม์แล้ว นักการทูตท่านหนึ่งได้มาปรากฏแก่โยเซฟในความฝันว่า " จงลุกขึ้นพาเด็กชายแผ่นดินแม่ของอิสราเอล เพราะการคุกคามต่อชีวิตของเด็กที่ตายแล้ว " [ 6 ] , โจเซฟ คือ นำกลับมาให้แม่เด็กนาซาเรธ
เรื่องราวในคริสเตียนพันธสัญญาใหม่หนังสือกรม Recorded about the life of Jesus in the period from 12 years to the ceremony at the Baptism in the Jordan River water is not saved much. Christians call this time that Lives secret life of Jesus. But the story of Jesus from the Baptism and death of Christ. Resurrection life back once again be recorded in detail.
When Jesus was 30 years old, who gave the ceremony Baptism in water from the St.จอห์น เคอร์ติสบัพถึงแม่น้ำจอร์แดน " แต่พิธีบัพติศมาในน้ำของเขาและจากนั้นก็เข้าไปในน้ำ และเปิดฟ้า และเขาเห็นพระวิญญาณของพระเจ้าทรงสถิตอยู่ดุจนกพิราบบนลง " [ 7 ] แล้วพระเยซูเสด็จไปถิ่นทุรกันดาร สำหรับช่วงระยะเวลาสี่สิบวันสี่สิบคืน โดยไม่กินอะไรเลย But the devil to his adventure by procuring various To hope that Jesus gunwale into devil worship. But Jesus can interact with the Book of Satan from the Christian Bible Old Testament Department. And that without the devil tempted him to it by His [8].
He started out royal duties by teaching all people to repent from sin. Then walk the way of God truly Pretended not respect God, but the mouth. "The people gave us, but this mouth His mind away from us "[9] He taught not to do as they like them หน้าซื่อใจคด" Therefore all things that he taught you. Be phone trace Except for his conduct do not follow it. But because he was a preacher But they find themselves not to follow "[10] He also said the wrong word and his teachings in many royal Works. Which was recorded in the Christian New Testament Book Department. In particular, the book first four books, including Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
In his royal works of Jesus that He called people to become disciples. To teach and help his other 12 people, which was later called apostles were Simon (with another name that Peter), a Drew (brother of Simon), James son of Zephaniah twist Well, John (brother of James), Philip, bar Anthony Lo Mew, Thomas, Matthew, James son of Alfred ASUS, Lake Map เบ Us (with another name. one of the Endocrine ด à ASUS), Simon nationalist party. And Judas Iscar Rio li. (People Stop Jesus) [11].
The effect of the announcement that Jesus, teach, and to treat many diseases. Result in many people to follow him. "His reputation is known throughout Syria He has brought people suffer from various Pathetic people who suffer epileptic possessed people and paralytic to Him. He lost his treat him. Categories and people come from Galilee. And regional TOT Buri and Jerusalem. And address regional reference. Jordan River and East River Ferry to follow Him "[12]" Then Jesus came to the boat then. He is great to see people Moo. He has pity on him. He is the person treat his patients lost "[13], and the public to watch him take greatly cripple limbs disabled people dumb and blind people, many people hurt others. His almost the end of Jesus. He then treat him disappear "[14] In contrast to the doctrine of God that Pharisees and they Thammathirat Chan directly "He enjoyed the rich culture and honor of the synagogue. And like the bow of the middle market. And like him called. ' You teachers' "[15]" Woe to you, you taught blind people navigate the' who claimed the temple to swear. Oath is not binding.แต่จะมีใครที่สาบานโดยอ้างทองในวัด คนที่จะทำโดยคำสาบาน ' โอชนชาติที่โง่เขลาตาบอด ซึ่งสำคัญกว่าสิ่ง ทอง หรือวัดที่สร้างทองศักดิ์สิทธิ์ " [ 16 ] " วิบัติแก่เจ้า พวกเขา ( ซานและพวกฟาริสี หน้าซื่อใจคดคน เพราะคุณเป็นเหมือนอุโมงค์ฝังเคลือบผิวด้วยมะนาว ภายนอกดูสวยงาม แต่ข้างในเต็มไปด้วยศพกระดูกสารพัดและสิ่งปฏิกูล ท่านก็มาก นอก จากนั้น ดูเหมือนชอบธรรม แต่ภายในเต็มไปด้วยมารยาและผิด " [ 17 ] พวกเขาธรรมาชานและพวกฟาริสีจึงคิดวิธีที่จะฆ่าเขาฟรี” ฝ่ายพวกฟาริสีว่า เป็นที่ปรึกษาไป แล้วจะฆ่าเขา " [ 18 ]
พระเจ้า อย่างไรก็ตาม ทราบว่า เขาจะต้องทนทุกข์จากมหาปุโรหิต และพวกธรรมา ชาน และจะต้องถูกประหารชีวิตแต่ในวันที่สามท่านจะถูกชุบขึ้นมาใหม่ เขาคาดการณ์ว่า เหตุการณ์ที่เกิดขึ้นก่อนที่จะสามครั้ง [ 19 ] จากนั้นหนึ่งในสิบสอง คนทรยศ iscar ริโอ หลี่ กับมหาปุโรหิตและตกลงที่จะรอกล่องไปยังจุดที่จะจับเขา สามสิบดอลลาร์ เพื่อแลกกับเงิน นั่นคือสิ่งที่คิดว่ายูดาสทรยศเขา เขารู้ด้วย [ 20 ]
At the beginning of Festival eat bread without infection. His disciples to go to one house in the capital in Salem Christ. To co-ate Passover together. He ate food that night consisting of bread and wine. This is the last meal he ate before the death. After the food and ate. Judas, one of the twelve disciples that people from home. They left no disciples that Judas go anywhere.แต่พระเยซูทรงทราบว่า จูดาสจะไปพวกปุโรหิตและพวกฟาริสี นำทหารไปจับเขา
หลังจากยูดาสออกไปจากบ้าน เขาบอกว่าสอนศิษย์ของตน หลายรายการ ก่อนที่เขาจะออกมาจากบ้านมาห้วยเด็กโรเบิร์ต เกตส์ ที่สวนแถวนั้น เป็นคืนที่เขามาอยู่ห่างจากแฟน ๆของพวกเขาเกี่ยวกับเพ็คไปถอยแล้ว อธิษฐานกับพระเจ้าเมื่อสาวกกลับไปหาพวกเขานอนด้วยกัน ทั้งหมดที่แตกต่างกัน เขาปลุกพวกเขาให้ตื่น และอธิษฐาน เขาอธิษฐาน จากนั้นก็กลับมาอีก เมื่อเขากลับมาที่สาวกนอนหลับอีกแล้ว เขากลับไปอธิษฐานอีกเป็นครั้งที่สาม กลับมานี้พระเยซูสาวกที่จะปลุกพวกเขาให้ตื่น และทันใดนั้นยูดาสเจ้าหน้าที่ทหารของปุโรหิตและพวกฟาริสีได้ด้วยอาวุธ Judas came to meet Jesus and bowed to kiss him. These people came and arrested him. Peter is a sword stroke was the tooth right ear of the key Mul. A slave of the high priest. Jesus said. " Be sheathe your sword out waste That those who hold the sword shall perish, because the sword. You think we ask our Father or not. In one moment he is the angel sent to us over twelve dump If so, the Bible. This must be a memory. What will be done "[21] and has gathered all the disciples fled.
Jesus was brought to the homes of drug Fast Car. High Priest of the time. They both Thammathirat Chan and various high priest trying to incriminate him for false testimony. But even a false testimony to the many people I can not find the evidence. Finally, the high priest asked the Christ of God.เมื่อเขายอมรับว่าเขาเป็นพระคริสต์ นักบวชชั้นสูงที่สามารถกระตุ้นคน พระเยซูตรัสว่าพระองค์หมิ่นประมาทยกตัวเองขึ้นเพื่อพระคริสต์ ผู้ชายต้องให้พระเยซูตาย
เมื่อยูดาสเห็นว่าเขากระทำบาป ความผูกพันของบริสุทธิ์ พระเยซูตาย ยูดาสเป็นตระหนักว่าเงินจะคืนกลับสู่พระสูงของพวกเขา แต่ไม่มีใครสนใจพวกเขา Judas has already left money away ties die
Paul dawn they took for Jesus to Pilate. The ruler at that time. They sued Jesus with various allegations. But after Pilate asked Him. Not found any fault is thought to release him. But he confirmed that This person incite citizens to chaos [22] When Pilate that He is a native of Galilee. This is the local king Herod. Pilate then sent Jesus to Herod to find a replacement judge. Department Herod greatly delighted to meet Jesus because it was heard for a long time reputation. Hope that Jesus will show to watch some supernatural or miraculous. But when Jesus did not make any Herod and the soldiers are mocked and despised, but sent him back to Pilate again. Pilate therefore command high priest. Aristocracy and the people at the same meeting. And said to him. " You can take all these people come to us. Lawsuit that he was instigating the people, behold, we ask you all before. And that people are not guilty of any of you, sue him. And Herod did not see that he is wrong with Because Herod sent him back to us again and behold, people are not doing anything wrong,ซึ่งจะต้องถูกลงโทษถึงตาย ดังนั้น เมื่อเราเฆี่ยนเขา เราจะปล่อยเสีย " [ 23 ]
มีช่วงของเทศกาลปัสกา ไม้บรรทัดเป็นประเพณีที่จะปล่อยนักโทษหนึ่งคน ตามที่คุณต้องการ เวลาคุกก็โอ
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
