Back ground of student uniform in Thailand
Student’s uniform was established in period of พระจุลจอมเกล้าเจ้าอยู่หัว reign number fifth in that period have a take place new education system as overthrow in the whole system for improve Thai education to meet on universal standard in the past we used a temple as a school and then after overthrow the first school was established and have student’s uniform at the same time improvement of school is effect that university was occurred the first university of Thailand is จุฬาลงกรณ์ university and next time they have school of medicine on the first year student so they set a regulation about formal uniform which everybody must to fallow
Disadvantage of student’s uniform
1. Fashions trend too effect style of uniform to against a tradition
2. Effect to academy when you do something wrong while you wear the uniform
3have a conflict between academies
Advantage of student’s uniform
1. Have a unity discipline among academy
2. To show that you are student and have proud in your academy
3. To economic you money in term of uniform
4. To make equality in everyone