Assalamualaykum Wa rahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
Thanks a lot for your communication Darling..... I read and understood your message clearly, and I make dua that Allah SWT shall make things easier for you, darling If there is any way I can assist you with anything, do not hesitate to make request of it. Though we just started knowing each other, but you are already growing stronger in my heart.
It is my pleasure to know you, and regardless our time difference and location, I wish us a very good and fruitful relationship insha-Allah! If Allah wishes that it will work out, even if we don't contact each other for months, it will surely work out. I so much have faith in Allah that He is able to satisfy our heart desires as we continue to work in faith and righteousness with Him. People do say I look younger than my age.
I'm gonna end this here for now and patiently wait your next communique.
Remain blessed babe.
Your new love and future husband.