Aim This study explored the dynamics related to a leadership development programme
and their impact on the clinical leader, the nursing team and the care-giving
Background While there is a growing conviction about the need to invest in
transformational leadership in nursing, further insight into the true complexity of
leadership development and, more specifically, how leadership can make a difference
in nursing and patient outcomes is essential.
Method A single instrumental case study was conducted in a unit of a large academic
hospital where a Clinical Leadership development Project (CLP) was
implemented successfully. We used mixed methods with multiple sources of data to
capture the complexity of leadership development. Data were collected through
individual interviews, focus groups and observation of participants. A purposive
sample of 17 participants representing a wide variety of team members has permitted
data saturation. The data were categorized and conceptualized and finally
organized into a framework describing leadership development on the unit and its
impact on the leader, the nursing team and the care-giving process.
Results Leadership development is an ongoing, interactive process between the
clinical leader and the co-workers. The head nurse became more effective in areas of
self-awareness, communication skills, performance and vision. The nursing team
benefited because more effective leadership promoted effective communication,
greater responsibility, empowerment and job clarity. Improved clinical leadership
seemed also to influence patient-centred communication, continuity of care and
interdisciplinary collaboration.
Conclusions The results of the study give more insight into the processes underlying
the leaders progress towards attaining a transformational leadership style and its
impact on the team members. The impact of leadership on the care-giving process,
however, remains difficult to describe.