The rock band Love Fist visits Vice City. Kent Paul becomes their producer.
V-Rock DJ Couzin Ed gets fired and his former colleague Lazlow takes over his job.
The Forelli Family decides to expand its power to Vice City with drug dealing. Sonny Forelli doesn't want Tommy interfering with his business in Liberty City, so when Tommy Vercetti gets out of prison, Sonny sends him to Vice City and introduces him to Ken Rosenberg to do a drug deal with the Vance Family. Sonny's plan is to "set Tommy loose in Vice City" and take over his business.
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
The deal between The Vance Family and Tommy is ambushed by Ricardo Diaz and Harry, Lee and Victor Vance are killed. Tommy and Ken manage to escape, but they have to leave the money and drugs behind. Sonny is furious when Tommy tells him he lost both the money and drugs, but Tommy promises him he'll get his money back and he'll find the one responsible for the deal.
Hurricane Hermoine is heading for Vice City. Several bridges are closed out of precaution, but the hurricane does not reach the city.
Tommy meets Lance Vance, Victors brother, and they decide to cooperate.
Tommy meets Avery Carrington and his apprentice Donald Love.
Tommy and Lance figure out it was Diaz who ambushed the deal. Tommy does a few jobs for him to get to know his business before he kills him, but Lance attempts to kill Ricardo without Tommy. Lance failes and is kidnapped to be killed. Tommy saves him and they decide to kill Diaz together. When Diaz is dead, Tommy takes his place as don of Vice City.
Candy Suxxx becomes a successful porn star when Tommy hires her to work for Interglobal Films
Tommy plans a heist on El Banco Corrupto Grande and meets Cam Jones, Phil Cassidy and Hilary King. Hillary King dies during the heist.
Phil Cassidy loses his arm when his own bomb explodes right next to him.
Sonny Forelli and his henchmen come to Vice City to take over Tommy's business. Lance betrays tommy and chooses Sonny's side. During a gunfight between the Forelli's and Tommy, Sonny reveals his former attempt to kill Tommy. Eventually, Tommy manages to kill both Lance and Sonny. you sold us out