(a) and (b) shows respectively GPC and HPLC chromatograms of the obtained products through hydronation reaction from 0.9 g of rapeseed oil as treated at 270 oc/5 MPa (H2) with 3.0 g of water and 0.05 g of Pd/C. In Fig. triglycerides (TG) in rapeseed oil are decreasing as reaction (a), time is prolonged. For 20 and 40 min treatments, diglycerides (DG) and monoglycerides (MG) are being observed as intermediate compounds, but almost all of them also disappear after 60 min. Meanwhile, fatty acids (FA) are increasing with reaction time until 60 min treatment. Incidentally. the retention time of triglycerides in the GPC chart shifts slightly to the shorter retention time after 20 min treatment. It would imply that the double bonds in fatty acia moneues are converted into saturated ones through hydrogenation, because saturated fatty acids have a slightly shorter retention time than unsaturated ones on the GPC column used in this study. Actually, only saturated fatty acids such as palmitic (C160), stearic 18:0 and arachidic (C20:0) acids can be found after 20 min treatment by HPLC analysis as shown in Fig. 2 (b). It indicates that hydrogenation is faster than hydrolysis and completed within 20 min.