Submergence tolerance: The somaclones generated
from the seeds irradiated with different dose of gamma
radiation from both FR13A and FR43B were tall. In the
present study, the difference between tolerant and susceptible
was very distinct after 14 days of submergence.
All the untreated controlled somaclones of FR13A and
201 out of 236 somaclones from FR43B were completely
tolerant to submergence. In FR13A, 33 clones out of 45
at GR 20 Kr and 12 out of 25 clones at GR 25 Kr were tolerant
to submergence. Similarly, in FR43B, 23 out of 130
at GR 20 Kr and 9 somaclones out of 48 at GR 25 Kr
were tolerant. Rests of the somaclones were completely