A study has been done in Luvuvhu Catchment to develop a framework for effective community participation
in water quality monitoring and management. Community participation and involvement in
development has since the 1970s gathered momentum among the non-governmental organisations
(NGOs) fraternity but has never gained clear status with Governments world over. In South Africa the policy
and legal frameworks for community consultation, involvement and participation are clearly spelt out
on paper starting with the country’s constitution. The division of the country into Water Management
Areas (WMA) and the formation of Catchment Management Agencies (CMA), Water User Associations
(WUAs) for example, was meant to increase participation of stakeholders including communities in
the management of water resources. These efforts have not translated into effective participation by local
communities in the management of water resources because there is no link between the national water
quality management frameworks and community based development structures.
An extensive review of development frameworks including community based structures has been
undertaken. The most critical frameworks identified were the national water quality management framework
(Directorate of Water Quality Monitoring and Catchment Management Agencies), community based
structures and local government structures and systems (municipalities, provincial and national structures).
There was no flow of information between the national water quality framework and community
based development structures and therefore linkages were created between the lower tiers of the catchment
management system (sub catchment fora and WUAs) to allow for information from the Directorate
of Quality Monitoring to reach communities and vice versa. The lower tiers of the catchment management
system should serve as specialised committees under the community development structures.
The municipalities who control and fund development activities at community level should be linked
to the catchment management system so that information can flow between the lower tiers of the catchment
management system and communities on one hand and the municipalities on the other. The water
quality monitoring information generated at community level should flow through community development
structures, sub catchment fora, the Catchment Forum (where municipalities are members), the
CMA and into the Directorate of Water Quality Monitoring