Thai bangkaew dog (Thai Bangkaew)
General characteristics.
bangkaew dog of Thai have feature beautiful , have rather than make more furry bird fish tail pointed mouth is in the middle of the bunch. There is a similar shape, size, medium, rectangular-shaped trunk with harmonious proportions. With a complete muscle strength motion, fast agile agile prat.
The origin
Some puppies glass originates from Tambon tha Miss Amphoe bang rakam of Phitsanulok province, which has a new message that is caused by dog breed 3 together:
1. the Fox There is a similar section which features of the skull was triangular and short ears Plai Laem set.
2. wild dogs with ear wax and very similar to each other.
3. puppies Thai There is similar to the appearance of color and shape, General.
Some dogs have a glass out of the habit. No shit scared of clever courageous honesty, devotion and care the owners because it is a habit so that other species of catfish Thai dogs are useful in the treatment of an escort home estate. Farm or garden and warehouse.
Taking care of
1. should the grains eaten should be switched to eating food and water regularly.
2. care should be cleaned once a week and water should frequently feather brush.
3. exercise If pet owners have free time should take the dog to go out jogging for good health and stress for the dog.