An Occupational Health Approach
Occupational health, with its subdivision of social and stress medicine,
deals with the work environment’s influence on the individual’s health
status with regard to psychological and physiological aspects.
Though the link between the architecture and employees’ health
status is often not as direct or easy to measure as the link between the
office environment and its organizational or environmental psychological
outcomes the perspective should not be excluded. Leaving out
the subject of the work environment and its impact on employees’
health status would in the context of this thesis leave important issues
unrevealed. The subject is not only of interest out of an individual or
an organizational perspective, but also to societal perspective, which the
dramatic increase of stress-related illnesses the last decades in Sweden
shows (Krantz, 2003; Lundberg & Melin, 2002).
The work environment plays a significant part in a lot of people’s
An Occupational Health ApproachOccupational health, with its subdivision of social and stress medicine,deals with the work environment’s influence on the individual’s healthstatus with regard to psychological and physiological aspects.Though the link between the architecture and employees’ healthstatus is often not as direct or easy to measure as the link between theoffice environment and its organizational or environmental psychologicaloutcomes the perspective should not be excluded. Leaving outthe subject of the work environment and its impact on employees’health status would in the context of this thesis leave important issuesunrevealed. The subject is not only of interest out of an individual oran organizational perspective, but also to societal perspective, which thedramatic increase of stress-related illnesses the last decades in Swedenshows (Krantz, 2003; Lundberg & Melin, 2002).The work environment plays a significant part in a lot of people’s
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