gender, age, marital status, educational level, occupation and monthly income; [ii] investigating a correlation between marketing
mix determinants and consumers’ purchasing behavior; [iii] investigating a correlation between product mix determinants and
consumers’ purchasing behavior; and [iv] examining a correlation between consumers’ purchasing behavior and their likelihood
of future purchasing. The goal was to identify the marketing mix of Bangkok traditional markets that determined the purchasing
behavior of consumers. A total of 400 samples were selected from the population of consumers who visited and shopped at
traditional markets, in Bangkok. The findings provided more understanding of viewpoints towards the community marketing mix
determinants on consumers’ purchasing behavior. The findings revealed a significant correlation between the consumers’
attitudes towards the marketing mix determinants of price, sellers and place and buying behavior in terms of the buying
frequency. Moreover, a higher purchasing frequency level also determined the likelihood of revisiting to shop at traditional
markets, positive recommendations and more frequent shopping in case of receiving a higher income