You must have some trust if you want to get anything done
Thomas Wadlow
In his novel The Diamond Age,7 author Neal Stephenson describes a constructed society (called a
phyle) based on extreme trust in one’s fellow members. Part of the membership requirements is that,
from time to time, each member is called upon to undertake certain tasks to reinforce that trust.
For example, a phyle member might be told to go to a particular location at the top of a cliff at a
specific time, where he will find bungee cords with ankle harnesses attached. The other ends of the
cords trail off into the bushes. At the appointed time he is to fasten the harnesses to his ankles and
jump off the cliff. He has to trust that the unseen fellow phyle member who was assigned the job of
securing the other end of the bungee to a stout tree actually did his job; otherwise, he will plummet
to his death. A third member secretly watches to make sure the first two don’t communicate in any
way, relying only on trust to keep tragedy at bay.
Whom you trust, what you trust them with, and how much you trust them are at the center of the
Internet today, as well as every other aspect of your technological life.
You must have some trust if you want to get anything doneThomas WadlowIn his novel The Diamond Age,7 author Neal Stephenson describes a constructed society (called aphyle) based on extreme trust in one’s fellow members. Part of the membership requirements is that,from time to time, each member is called upon to undertake certain tasks to reinforce that trust.For example, a phyle member might be told to go to a particular location at the top of a cliff at aspecific time, where he will find bungee cords with ankle harnesses attached. The other ends of thecords trail off into the bushes. At the appointed time he is to fasten the harnesses to his ankles andjump off the cliff. He has to trust that the unseen fellow phyle member who was assigned the job ofsecuring the other end of the bungee to a stout tree actually did his job; otherwise, he will plummetto his death. A third member secretly watches to make sure the first two don’t communicate in anyway, relying only on trust to keep tragedy at bay.Whom you trust, what you trust them with, and how much you trust them are at the center of theInternet today, as well as every other aspect of your technological life.
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