Hi there,
I love your crochet crafts, especially the instax cases!! You are so talented - they are so unique! I haven't been able to stop browsing since I stumbled upon your etsy page.
This is actually the reason why I’m emailing you. I’m from Megafash, and we are an online community focused on promoting independent creators. We want to preserve the piece of pie for independent owners and entrepreneurs - a place for your businesses to thrive against huge incoming corporate players.
We would like to invite you to participate in our Mega Singapore Sale (MSS) that is going on RIGHT NOW! (www.megasingaporesale.com)
It is a HUGE sale, something like GOSF, only more successful.
We have over 100 local and international brands such as Dressabelle, Daniel Wellington, Cheap Monday etc. already participating and the addition of your brand and your products would be the icing on top of the cake.
Sales are awesome - we had over 250 orders and counting upon the first 48 hours of the sale and orders are piling up as we speak.
This sale ends on the 28th of February so do hurry if you are interested! It is a GREAT opportunity to help your brand gain exposure as well as increase sales. If you are interested, do feel free to email me. I am available even after working hours, so do not hesitate to contact me through email or through Whatsapp (91199744) should you have any queries.
Yours Sincerely,
Trishe Goh | Marketing Executive