D. Grouping (we do)
Teacher will prepare and cut the shapes of each kind of cloud out of cardstock paper. Students will glue cotton balls to both sides of each shape to make it look more like the cloud it represents. Students should make each cloud look like as close to their standard description. Tips: For a cumulus cloud, have students bunch up lots of cotton balls to make it fluffy. For a cirrus cloud, have students stretch out the cotton balls to make them thin and wispy. Students can use a little gray paint (just mix a little black into white) to make some of the clouds gray. When all the clouds are assembled and the glue is dry, the teacher will make a small hole in the top of each shape. Teacher will tie a piece of string through each hole. Teacher will explain to the students that stratus clouds should have the longest string, since they're closest to Earth, and that cirrus clouds should have the shortest string, since they're the highest clouds. Students will tie each piece of string to a dowel rod. Teacher will help students to tie a piece of string around the middle of the dowel, and use it to hang their mobile.