after the stormy night on the lake, the disciples landed the boat in an area where non-Jews lived. As they walked away from the boat, they heard a terrifying howl. near the shore there were caves-in those days caves were used as graves. from one of these caves came a shriek that didn't even sound human. and rushing from a cave came a wild man .
the disciples were still feeling a little shaky from their wild night on the water. so you can't really blame them for running back to the boat as fast as they could. as they pushed the boat into the water they turned and saw that jesus was still standing on the shore. the wild man was dangerously near. his hair was long and matted; his eye were horribly blank; all that he was wearing were some broken chains hanging from his wrists.
but jesus wasn't afraid. jesus love this man and wanted to help him. he knew that satan had control of his life. jesus healed the man by commanding the evil spirits to leave. the evil spirits asked jesus if they could go into a nearby herd of pigs instead. then the pigs ran into the lake and were drowned.
the pig herders ran into town and told everyone. '' so people went out to see what had happened. they came to jesus and saw the man who had had the many evil spirits. the man was sitting there, clothed and in his right mind '' (mark 5:14,15). but te people weren't happy about it-they were afraid. tey asked jesus to leave.
the man begged jesus to let him come with him. but jesus needed the man to stay and tell others his story . so he stayed and told everyone what jesus had done for him. and when jesus came back, the people were ready. thousands came to hear him teach.