Archaeologists have discovered a post hole, believed to be the place where Lord Buddha gave his first sermon while visiting Nepal after attaining enlightenment, during an excavation at Nigrodharam in Kapilvastu district.
This was the first time that the post hole had been found in Nigrodharam, after two unsuccessful attempts. Archaeologists involved in the digging claimed that the discovery would be very important for further archaeological studies. They even believed that the finding has deepened the history of the ancient place.
A team of archaeologists from Durham University in the UK, Unesco, Department of Archaeology and Lumbini Development Trust have been carrying out the excavations. Excavations were initiated by digging a trench—26-metre long and 1.5-metre—between two structures. The trench is about 5-metre deep.
The post hole, that was discovered in the southern part of the ancient ruins, was six inches in circumference and four inches deep. According to archaeologists, search is on to find other possible post holes in the area.
A foreign expert involved said that the post hole has justified that the area belonged to the Buddha era as the wood and bamboo used in the structure were of that time. The finding shows that there was a well-managed settlement in the area.
The fresh excavation started in Nigrodharam following the last major digging in 1962. Indian archaeologist Debala Mitra carried out the excavation then and came to a conclusion that the ruins found in the area could date further back than the seventh century.
Unesco consultant Basanta Bidari said that the finding has justified that the history of the area is older.
He added that the laboratory test of the soil, charcoal and bone would further bring to the fore more historic facts about the place.
Professor Robin Coningham of Durham University, also involved in the digging, said the excavation is being carried out with modern tools. He added that the excavation would help in finding out the development of Tilaurakot and the human settlement in the area then.
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